Prove the existence of the Soul after Death

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    from Mother's Agenda vol. 7, November 3, 1966 November 3, 1966 Satprem: Would you like to win 200,000 dollars? Mirra: What does one have to do for that? Satprem: One has to…

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Misunderstandings of Quantum-Mechanics/Complementarity/Copenhagen-Interpretation

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    See the full article Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics at Complementarity has been commonly misunderstood in several ways, some of which shall be outlined in this section. First of all,…

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Savitri Workshop in Lodi

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    Dr Debashish Banerji is giving a workshop in Lodi on 15th August on the subject Mind, Overmind and Supermind in the light of Sri Aurobindo's epic poem Savitri,…

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Life Divine Study on Skype with Debashish

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Dr Debashish Banerji is conducting a Skype class on The Life Divine (Book 2, Part One) with two sessions including readings and discussions per month. ABOUT THE LIFE DIVINE Sri…

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